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Pin Ball

5.11b, Sport, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 11 votes
FA: Kevin Hibbert
Oregon > Northeast Oregon > Spring Mountain


Sustained 5.10+ climbing leads to good rest on a small ledge before an awkward dyno off a two finger pocket to a good jug by the final bolt. This route is far more interesting if you only stem off the opposite wall to the first bolt. (Shares anchors with Spring Fever)


To the right of Spring Fever inside the cave, on your left as you walk up toward Maid in the Shade


Bolts (At least 11)

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Ping ball: 1st bolt circled in red
[Hide Photo] Ping ball: 1st bolt circled in red

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[Hide Comment] I added this route because its on the rock and not in the guide book or mt. project. I asked around and none of the spring developers I knew could Identify it so if you know it or want to claim it just sing out! Alternatively, this is just one average climber's opinion of the grade so feel free to suggest alternative ones. Oct 13, 2015
Kevin Hibbert
Lostine, OR
[Hide Comment] I believe the route is far more interesting if you climb it without stemming at all. That is how I climbed it on the FA, but I new stemming would be the norm.. Not sure where the name Spring Loaded Monkey came from? I graded the route 5.12a. Sep 21, 2016
Brian Busby
Missoula, MT
[Hide Comment] Awesome route - stemming is only necessary up to the first bolt. **BETA ALERT** you're going to want your left hand in the two finger pocket before the crux dyno/deadpoint, not your right, or else you'll be lined up to skip the crux and have to downclimb. May 16, 2021