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The Last In Line
Sport, 45 ft (14 m), Grade V,
Avg: 2.4 from 122
FA: Josh Gale and Mike Moore
> Southern Nevada
> Red Rocks
> (05) Sandstone…
> Wake Up Wall Area
> Wake-Up Wall
Access Issue: Red Rock RAIN AND WET ROCK: The sandstone is fragile and is very easily damaged when wet.
Holds rip off and climbs have been and will continue to be permanently damaged due to climbers not respecting this phenomenon. After a heavy storm, the rock will remain wet, sometimes for several days. PLEASE DO NOT CLIMB IN RED ROCKS during or after rain. A good rule of thumb is that if the ground near your climb is at all damp (and not powdery dry sand), then do not climb. There are many alternatives (limestone, granite, basalt, and plastic) nearby.
HUMAN WASTE Human waste is one of the major issues plaguing Red Rocks. The Las Vegas Climbers Liaison Council and the AAC provides free "wag bags" in several locations (Black Velvet, First Pullout, Kraft Mtn/Bouldering, The Gallery, and The Black Corridor). These bags are designed so that you can pack your waste out - consider bringing one to be part of your kit (just like your rope and shoes and lunch) no matter where you go. Once used, please dispose of them properly (do not throw them in the toilets at the parking area).
After you reach the anchors, let out a howl and spill some out for the late, great Ronnie James Dio. Look up in the sky and one may be lucky enough to see R.J.D. slay a dragon and offer its head to the Metal Gods!
Begin in the trough, and climb up through two bolts of techy stuff on patina. Surmount the very short slab and make a tricky clip of bolt #3. This will ensure no hitting of the blocks below in the trough and potentially wrecking ankles or femurs. Grab jugs above the "cave" and clip #4. Get a shake and pull the bulge on good crimpers to clip #5. Some easy climbing gets the climber to bolt #6 and a slabby, technical run to the anchors.
This route is located at the far left end of the Wake Up Wall. As climbers arrive at the cliff it is now the first fully bolted line located between the trad route and mixed route. Bolt hangers are painted tan/beige in attempt to blend with the rock.
6 3/8 x 4 inch Powers 5 piece bolts and Mussy hooks for anchors.
Las Vegas, NV