Type: | Sport, 90 ft (27 m) |
FA: | Waldspitzler Nürnberg 1933 |
Page Views: | 923 total · 8/month |
Shared By: | Shawn Heath on Sep 1, 2015 |
Admins: | Shawn Heath |
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A really great, old-fashioned route. Always take the easy way and take lots of slings because it wanders.
Start in the right-facing crack right of Petite Fleur and follow it to the top of the block. Walk left to the other crack and follow it until it runs out, then traverse right and follow the next crack to the top.
Start in the right-facing crack right of Petite Fleur and follow it to the top of the block. Walk left to the other crack and follow it until it runs out, then traverse right and follow the next crack to the top.
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