Type: Sport, 70 ft (21 m)
FA: Climberdude
Page Views: 1,966 total · 17/month
Shared By: Climber dude on Aug 17, 2015
Admins: Justin Johnsen, SCPC, SWPACC, EPAC

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Description Suggest change

42: The answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything and my friend's 42nd birthday on the day we put up the route.

Clip first bolt and gain stemming stance.

Move lightly left to good side pull then up to jug. Move right to clip.

Then move up right to next bolt and again a clipping jug. Traverse up and left on steep terrain using small crimps and under cling to (you guessed it) clipping jug under bolt in the roof.

Clip, make big move up and slightly left to a blunt point, match, and pull roof on good holds.

Continue up steep inside corner. It gets chossy up high if you go too far left.


Direct Start from stem stance continue straight up dihedral (ignoring temptation to go left) 2 or 3 more delicate stem moves (10d) to second bolt staying in corner.

Location Suggest change

south (right) of Power and the Glory about 20'.

Protection Suggest change

9-10 bolts plus anchor
