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Unknown 2

5.11, Trad, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 2 from 2 votes
FA: Unknown
Alaska > Anchorage & S C… > Hatcher Pass > Archangel Valle… > Monolith


This route is to the left of flakey, it climbs chicken heads passing two bolts, place some gear as the climbing eases off passing a 1/4 bolt. I'm not sure that the 5.10 rating in Kelsey's guide is correct, but the section with the two bolts at the bottom is quite difficult, probably mid 5.11.


from the base of the monolith walk right passing orangutan, checkered dog, etc. look for two bolts just off a small grass ledge.


3 bolts, small-medium gear, 2 bolt ASCA anchor.

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C Williams
Sketchy, Blackvanistan
[Hide Comment] Staying direct on the bolt line is hard AF. Moving left will keep things more 5.10 Jun 10, 2018