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5.10c, Sport, 65 ft (20 m),  Avg: 2.9 from 10 votes
FA: Aris Theodoropoulos, Dimitris Yialouris, Alexandros Gazis, Elias Gazis, Konstantinos Patarias
International > Europe > Greece > Kalymnos > Symplegades > Left Slab


Sustained climbing keeps you on your toes and always moving. Turn off your trad head when met with the interesting limestone crack 2/3rds of the way up as those jams in the finger crack would surely destroy your fingers.


First bolted climb you find on your way up into the corridor. Very right of Valery & Thomas.


10 bolts (from susan peplow's comments) to anchors and lower offs

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Picture of Esther sending the route to get that sweet Telendos shot (picture by Bret from Toronto!)
[Hide Photo] Picture of Esther sending the route to get that sweet Telendos shot (picture by Bret from Toronto!)
Looking up the line.
[Hide Photo] Looking up the line.

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Here and there.
[Hide Comment] I used the crack and it was, indeed, very sharp, and quite shallow. Still super fun. Nov 5, 2016
susan peplow
Joshua Tree
[Hide Comment] 10 bolts Oct 17, 2018