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Sport, 50 ft (15 m),
Avg: 2.2 from 227
FA: Josh Pollock and Steve Grigel
> Golden
> Lookout Mtn Rd
> Tiers of Zion
> C. Lower Tier
> A. E Wall
This route is not very difficult, but it is fun. The start is fairly slabby and, it is a little steeper near its end. The most difficult move is near the middle, but there are good holds throughout the climb. It looks like the first ascenders cleaned off a lot of lichen. The climb is fairly clean and angles to the left for the 1st three quarters or so.
This is the furthest left (east) route on the wall. Use the anchor to descend. This route is to the left of a large pine tree, and there is a gully in front of the route.
Now there are seven bolts and a two bolt anchor with Mussy hooks. All the bolts were replaced/upgraded to glue-ins in 2024.
[Hide Photo] The climb. The rope is hanging down from the anchor but, the climb angles left to right at first.
[Hide Photo] Looking West up Clear Creek Canyon. Quite a view from the top.
Golden, CO
Golden, CO
UPDATE 10/24/2015: the lefthand anchor bolt has now been replaced, and both bolts now have chains. Enjoy. Jun 20, 2015
Golden, CO
Golden, CO
Arvada, CO
Denver, CO
Denver, CO
Golden, CO
Denver, CO
Golden, CO