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Mr. Anderson

5.7+ PG13, Trad, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 8 votes
FA: Greg Hughes and Mike Delaney
International > N America > Canada > New Brunswick > McQuirks Mountain > Matrix


The crux is about midway on the climb in a thin crack above a horizontal ledge. Some consider the bottom part of the climb hard to protect but the climbing is low 5th class.


On The Matrix Wall look for a twenty foot high slab in the shape of a triangle. Several starts are possible including a low angle ramp on the left. Climb up on top of the triangle to a ledge that will eventually lead to a prominent finger crack. There are two possible cracks close together that can be climbed.


Standard rack to 2". Mostly small gear for the business of the climb. TCU's work well. One bolt protects a run out on a slab.

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Rope coming down Mr Anderson and Emily TRing White Rabbit
[Hide Photo] Rope coming down Mr Anderson and Emily TRing White Rabbit

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Trash Garbage
Hometown hero
[Hide Comment] This could become a classic if it was climbed once in a while! And the gear is definitely G with that bolt! Aug 18, 2021