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Vertical Limit

5.11+, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 3.5 from 2 votes
FA: McQueen, Lasley
Utah > Southwest Utah > Saint George > Garth Rocks > Aerial Wall > N Side


awkward face/arete climbing at start leads to crux before the most amazing flake.


Above the Scattered Boulders area on eastern face on steep double overhanging feature.


several bolts to to bolt anchors over lip. Chains will be there soon.

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The double overhanging feature of Vertical Limit as seen from above.
[Hide Photo] The double overhanging feature of Vertical Limit as seen from above.

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[Hide Comment] A spicy crux midway leads to a super fun flake! Don't forget to bring your rope cutting knife! (Just in case). Mar 12, 2015