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Fat Lipped Gofur

5.8+, Sport, 75 ft (23 m),  Avg: 1.9 from 51 votes
FA: Prehmus
Colorado > Golden > Clear Creek Canyon > Other Critters
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: Private Property - be aware & respectful DetailsDrop down


Gofur starts left of P1 of Yellow Dog Dingo. Climb the easy slab to the rib. Follow the bolts up the rib (5.8 thin). Pull right onto the shoulder that leads to the corner of the big roof. The lip of the roof has fat buckets: go for it. Stand up above the roof & clip the double bolt anchor. Connecting to Yellow Dog P2 is easy from here, or lower off.


It is immediately left of Yellow Dog Dingo.


Per Jay Eggleston: 10 bolts.

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The route.
[Hide Photo] The route.
Deb climbs the footsy (crux, IMHO) section of the climb. The roof above feels harder than the Minnesota Gophers roof bit, as the holds are less positive.
[Hide Photo] Deb climbs the footsy (crux, IMHO) section of the climb. The roof above feels harder than the Minnesota Gophers roof bit, as the holds are less positive.
The overhanging crux area.
[Hide Photo] The overhanging crux area.

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Jay Eggleston
[Hide Comment] This has ten bolts if anyone is wondering. The crux is at the last bolt. Big jugs but overhanging. Mar 6, 2015
Rob Baumgartner
[Hide Comment] I thought the slab move clipping the 4th bolt (?) was the crux. Very low-angle but thin and a miniscule clipping hold. May 27, 2015
L Kap
Boulder, CO
[Hide Comment] Fun route! I think the "rib" in the route description is the diagonal slabby bulge you can see that has a ladder of bolts right up the middle. Smearing the rib section between the 3rd and 4th bolts and clipping the 4th bolt is mildly terrifying if you're shorter and go straight up the bolt line. At least, that's true for me at 5'7". A panic draw is helpful for clipping the 4th bolt. Jan 31, 2016
Chip Loomis
[Hide Comment] The slab section at the 4th bolt is a little thin to be 5.8. I just climbed a few 5.10s over at Catslab 4 days ago. There is something off between this 5.8 rating and the climbs over at Catslab. At the slabby section, it looks like people are "improvising" to the right by the amount of chalk on the rock. Jul 28, 2016
Aaron Sefton
Lakewood, CO
[Hide Comment] It's a heady lead and probably more like a 5.9 if you stay exactly true to the bolt line through the middle rib section, because the hands kind of disappear, and you have to rely on friction more than holds, but it's certainly doable, and you can cheat right a little bit if you need to. Fun roof with jugs. Go for it! Feb 4, 2017