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V9, Boulder, 12 ft (4 m),  Avg: 3.2 from 6 votes
FA: unknown
Utah > Central Utah > Joe's Valley > Right Fork > Lower Hillside
Warning Access Issue: Don't climb on wet rock! DetailsDrop down


Right around the corner from Black and Blue, facing down the hill, start with two decent crimps about head height. After getting the left foot on the obviously huge foot go out left to a ridiculously small crimp.

The crux is making your way from this perch to the obvious slot above. Most people cross but you can also bump the left. Either way it's far and you'll be bearing down on small crimps.

For a two move problem this one is fantastic, technical and powerful. Bring your A-game crimp strength for this one.


Just 30 feet up the hill from Team Effort.


Pads. Flattish landing though there is a tree to the left that you may need to watch out for if you're going for the cross.

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[Redacted] Hooters problem.
[Hide Photo] [Redacted] Hooters problem.

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[Hide Comment] Due to erosion/landing building the starting holds are currently much higher than head height. I'm 6ft tall and still had to stack pads to reach the starting crimps. Dec 4, 2020
Danny Jay
Los Angeles, CA
[Hide Comment] You've really outdone yourself with this redaction MP May 7, 2022