Type: Sport, 75 ft (23 m)
FA: Reggie Slavens, Bob and Carrie Robertson
Page Views: 2,367 total · 19/month
Shared By: Reggie Slavens on Jan 24, 2015
Admins: Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC

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Description Suggest change

This is a relatively new route between Child's Play and Turkey Bleak. It is a great warm-up or easy first lead for beginners. There are some areas with loose blocks, so climb carefully around those.

Climb up to a suspicious looking block. We tried to remove the block with a large crowbar, but the block would not budge. Continue up the crack to a ledge 3/4 of the way up the wall.

Eds. This is a combination of submissions. With the consent of the 1st poster (Deaun Schovajsa) who had submitted it on 3/10/14, this was moved over to the 2nd submission page.

Location Suggest change

This is located 10 feet left of Turkey Bleak. The route begins in a shallow corner and follows a crack to a ledge below the anchor.

Protection Suggest change

7 bolts with two ring anchors.

