Type: Sport, 60 ft (18 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 1,425 total · 12/month
Shared By: Colonel Mustard on Jan 18, 2015
Admins: Aron Quiter, Lurk Er, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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This route is the left most line of the Iraqi Wall routes. The start for this as all others on this Iraqi section are marble-like, highly water polished granite. There are good edges, however, and climbing is fairly secure in this section. This climb is typified by increasingly smaller hand and footholds until the last bolt where climbing difficulties let up drastically and the route trends rightwards to the anchors.

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Left of Iraqi Dihedral, scramble to the next entry point of bolts via boulder hopping.

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5 bolts and shared anchors/chains with the rest of the Iraqi Wall climbs.


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