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El Coridon de la Muerta

5.12a/b, Sport, 150 ft (45 m),  Avg: 3.4 from 18 votes
FA: unknown
International > Europe > Spain > Catalonia > Siurana > Valley Crags > El Pati


This climb is definitely worthwhile if you like tech-crimping. It's also easy to hang draws on it from the easier climb to the right. (but is by no means mission-critical)

Climb up fun moves on jugs and pockets to the horizontal break that characterizes most of the routes in this sector. After psyching up, work up into thin, techie crimps that culminate in a hard move to a sidepull-jug. Get back what you can before committing to another crux at a small overlap.


3rd route to the left of Crosta Panic.



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Jess Bauer
Asbury Park, NJ
[Hide Comment] This route is awesome. You get a great rest before the first crux and the movement is great. Definitely not 150 feet (typo?). More like 90ish feet. Definitely worth doing! Mar 10, 2020