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5.9 R, Trad, 220 ft (67 m),  Avg: 1 from 1 vote
FA: Heidi Pesterfield and Brian Bennett (1986)
California > Yosemite NP > Yosemite Valley > Valley S Side > P. Cathedral Area > 6. Middle Cathedral Rock
Warning Access Issue: Latest updates on closures, permits, and regulations. DetailsDrop down


This route is characterized by a great first-half with perfect rock, followed by a runout and wandering second-half with some loose/shattered rock. Overall this is one of the lesser quality routes on the Middle Cathedral Apron.

On the right side of the Apron, locate the 3rd class pedestal/"hump" that Orange Peel and Exodus begin off of. Tapestry begins up the smooth slab just to the right of this. Climbing to the first bolt is the crux. Luckily it's not too high by Apron standards, but you could still wreck your ankles if you fall here. After the first bolt follow a left facing rail/mini-corner until you can traverse over right and access easier terrain. The topo shows a second bolt somewhere on this pitch, but we couldn't find it.

About 80ft up you'll find a two bolt anchor. Belay here, or keep climbing if you have a 70m rope. You'll see another bolt above you, after that you begin wandering to the right, passing a piton hammered into a small shelf. One of the main difficulties of this route is just finding the anchor. It's above some right-facing scoops and shelves which make it difficult to see until you get up under it.

There's some 5.6 terrain on both the first and second pitches where you'll probably die if you blow it, but overall I think this one is a bit easier than Quicksilver.


Bolts, and some micro-cams for supplemental pro up high. Maybe bring a nut tool to dig out the cracks.

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