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Overclang Underhang

5.12c, Sport, 25 ft (8 m),  Avg: 2 from 2 votes
FA: Brady Libby, 1999
New Hampshire > Rumney > Infinity Wall > Lower Left


Boulder problem with powerful moves to exit out of the roof. There are a few neat holds on this route.
Stick clip mandatory!


The only bolted route in this sector.


3 bolts + 2 bolts anchor but only one biner.

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Side view. Now you can see the angle.
[Hide Photo] Side view. Now you can see the angle.
Facing view of the climb. Can't see the angle. Just the line.
[Hide Photo] Facing view of the climb. Can't see the angle. Just the line.

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Eli B
[Hide Comment] Eric have you tried this one? What shape are the bolts in? I've been there a couple times and never seen it dry. Nov 14, 2018
Eric Leclerc
[Hide Comment] Yes Eli, I sent it three years ago or so. I don't recall the bolts being sketch. The one thing that I remember is that the anchor had only one biner. If you can bring an extra biner, you will lower on two instead of one bolt. Once you do it, you will understand why it's always wet. The top is like a funnel for the top of the hill. I had to brush lichen and moss but just at the exit where it's not hard. Nov 14, 2018
Lee Hansche
Allenstown, NH... and a van…
[Hide Comment] I climbed it today. The sub freezing temps meant it wasn’t wet but I had to alter some beta to get around some ice. The anchor was just bare hangers (I didn’t have any hardware with me to give it a proper lower off) but the was a single biner on the 3rd bolt (manual gate, careful) I down climbed to that and cleaned the route from there.

Really fun movement! Jan 1, 2021