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Get Some!

5.13c, Sport, 70 ft (21 m),  Avg: 3 from 3 votes
FA: Lee Terveen
S Dakota > Spearfish Canyon > Blue Sky > Indecent Exposure

Roof Pull To The Left!

Starts on sick, stucco-like textured rock with sweet, semi-sharp holds that include crimps, small pockets with a few jugs thrown in when you need em'.

Even if you don't climb 5.13 this is a great route to get on since the first three fourths of its length is mostly 5.11+ or just a bit harder.

Clip the first permadraw and decide to quit and lower if you so desire or take on a roof pull from five thirteen hell. This route heads to the left.


left most route on the left hand most side of this sick area. Requires a short hike up a hillside.


8 bolts to the roof. Roof is protected with permadraws. Bring extra draws since there are a couple of bolts to clip above the permadraws.