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Great Nuts

5.11c, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 6 votes
FA: Duane Raleigh
Colorado > Carbondale Area > Redstone Area > Redstein > 2nd Band
Warning Access Issue: 9/30/24: Closure for Redstein area near Redstone lifted DetailsDrop down


Start with relatively easy knob and face climbing past 4 bolts. The angle then steepens and the knobs get smaller. It's hard 5.11 straight up, or veer left towards Happy Crack, then use the big hand rail to get back to the 5th bolt.

Do a big mantle and you'll be below the crux: a slightly overhanging hand crack. You can't jam as high as you'd like, but get one good hand in, cam your foot high, and crank up for the slopy jug above. It is easy climbing from there to the top.


This ascends the face just right of the wide crack that is Happy Crack.


8 bolts, anchors at top.

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Leading the second bolt of Great Nuts.
[Hide Photo] Leading the second bolt of Great Nuts.
On the second bolt of Great Nuts.
[Hide Photo] On the second bolt of Great Nuts.