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5.11d, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 1.7 from 13 votes
FA: Bill Boyle and Dan Snyder
Utah > Central Utah > Maple Canyon > Right Fork > Damascus Gate


Dirty, bouldery start leads out of the overhang left of 50 Something (Tree Route). Follows the black water streak.


8-10 QD's + anchors. Goggles and a helmet.

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Ben Ricketts
Salt Lake City, UT
[Hide Comment] This one must have cleaned up a lot. I thought this was a really good route with solid rock (for maple anyway). I did find one loose chalked cobble but the rest were bomber. It's a great route. Get on it. Jul 17, 2016
Jeremy Steck
Salt Lake City, UT
[Hide Comment] I agree with Ben, this thing was pretty good! Aug 12, 2018
Kip H
Farmington, utah
[Hide Comment] Great route for the gardener. Lots of moss up high. Shares pieces and bits from Orion next to it. These 3 routes run together a bit as you climb them, they are so close together. Sep 26, 2020