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5.10d, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 9 votes
FA: unknown
California > Lake Tahoe > Truckee River C… > Big Chief Area > Light Deprivation But…


Route on the face left of Unforgiven. Cruxy beginning then follows arete. Shares anchors with Fade to Black.


See area topo


6 bolts to anchors.

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1st bolt and anchors marked
[Hide Photo] 1st bolt and anchors marked

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Jared Moore
Truckee, CA
[Hide Comment] Great route, but poor bolting. Second bolt is wayyy far left of where you want to clip, making for a potentially dangerous and completely unnecessary fall. Not sure what the reasoning was, but it's STUPID. The person bolting must have been 7' tall. Just my two cents. If you're comfortable leading at this grade, it's fine. No offense, bolter. take it easy everyone. Jun 13, 2016