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Layback Hump Linkup

5.8, Sport, 55 ft (17 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 5 votes
FA: unknown
Illinois > Giant City SP > A. Shelter 1 Bluff
Warning Access Issue: Stick Clipping Is Highly Recommended DetailsDrop down


This climb is similar to Drunkards in the way of how it angles to the right and is well protected. This is a great climb for those learning trad. Crux is either the crux of Makanda Layback or getting off the ground for The Gully


Begin at the base of Makanda Layback, climb up to the bolt, clip in and follow the crack at your feet as it angles to the right, top out on Camel's Hump and use the anchors to belay partners up. (Easier Variation: climb up The Gully, go to the bolt, and then traverse right)


Standard traditional rack plus draws