Type: | Sport, 100 ft (30 m) |
FA: | Skine Boynton |
Page Views: | 817 total · 6/month |
Shared By: | Nick Weicht on May 12, 2014 |
Admins: | L Von Dommelheimer |
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Ravens Reach starts at a roof with a useless belay bolt located 2' off the ground. Start up broken rock past a small roof. Use an extendable to cut down on rope drag. Then climb a long left trending bolt line that follow climbable fetchers all the way to the anchor. I found the crux to be near the end of the route. You can lower straight to the ground and half a second clean the draws.
This is the middle climb on the upper wall at the main craging area.
This is the middle climb on the upper wall at the main craging area.