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Original Optomist

5.10a/b, Trad, 2 pitches,  Avg: 4 from 1 vote
FA: unknown
Arizona > Central Arizona > Queen Creek Canyon > Lower Devil's C… > Totem-Proto Area
Warning Access Issue: Must Register! Private Property-The Pond, Atlantis and Mine Area DetailsDrop down


Climb the original Totem Pole and work you way right to the anchors of Drop'em South and then summit on Pathological Optimist.


Starts on north side and finishes on the east side


Bolts and. .5 -#1 catalogs

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Starting OO
[Hide Photo] Starting OO
Russell. On OO
[Hide Photo] Russell. On OO
Russ on OO
[Hide Photo] Russ on OO
Russell on the upper section of P.O.
[Hide Photo] Russell on the upper section of P.O.
Russell belaying from the chains of Drop'em South.
[Hide Photo] Russell belaying from the chains of Drop'em South.
Russel Gordon linking the totem pole and P.O.
[Hide Photo] Russel Gordon linking the totem pole and P.O.