Type: | Sport, 80 ft (24 m) |
FA: | Grant Walker |
Page Views: | 2,100 total · 16/month |
Shared By: | Griswald on Mar 12, 2014 |
Admins: | L Von Dommelheimer |
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This might be the best hard route at Weiner Lake. The crux of this route is towards the end. Most of the good climbing comes after the 5th or 6th bolt. Climb past 5 bolts, then traverse out right and up skipping the 6th bolt wich sometimes has a draw. After the traverse rest on a big jug. Head left and straight up. Most people find that the last draw is hard to clip and choose to skip it. IMO the last bolt is easy to clip (what do I know). If you traverse out right on a ledge right before the last bolt you can stand on a ledge and get a good rest which downs the grade and is known as the Chikaloon escape. For the full experience do not do the Chikaloon escape.
There is also the direct variation to this route known as "Shroom to Believe". Instead of traversing right at the 5th bolt keep climbing up and skip the jug rest. You have to be shrooming to believe that the rest is off! Finish by going straight up and not doing the Chikaloon escape. This variation is the definition of contrived but really fun. (13A) FFA Ben Chriswell
There is also the direct variation to this route known as "Shroom to Believe". Instead of traversing right at the 5th bolt keep climbing up and skip the jug rest. You have to be shrooming to believe that the rest is off! Finish by going straight up and not doing the Chikaloon escape. This variation is the definition of contrived but really fun. (13A) FFA Ben Chriswell