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Gray Streak
5.10c PG13,
Sport, 50 ft (15 m),
Avg: 3 from 74
FA: Tony Faucett/Rene' Payne
> Austin Area
> Barton Creek Gr…
> Gus Fruh
> C. Kingdom of Ging
Pull the ledge below and a bit left of the route. Start on the ledge. Decent runout between bolt 3 and 4. Fairly crimpy route. Mind you're feet and you'll be in better shape. Fun, tall (for the GB) route. One tough move below bolt 4.
Rightmost route on Kingdom of Ging Wall--directly right of 'Ging.
5 bolts. Sport anchors
[Hide Photo] Right side of Kingdom of Gin from Charlie Don't Surf to Gray Streak.