Sport, 85 ft (26 m),
Avg: 2 from 1
FA: Drew Spaulding, Mark Miner-January 09
> Asia
> Thailand
> S - Islands & B…
> Koh Yao Noi
> Hang
Access Issue: Warning! Stainless steel bolts are suspect near the coast!
You can read about the warning here. There is extensive rebolting being done by the Thaitanium Project, which has already rebolted the vast majority of popular routes in the main areas. Be informed!
Hangover is the furthest route on the right side of The Hang. Power through the steep lower section and crank over the bulge onto lesser angle rock below the finishing dihedral. Finish up the clean crack in the corner to the anchor
This route is yet to be re-bolted with titanium. Equipped with 1/2" steel removable bolts...