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Plate Tectonics

5.10c, Sport, 50 ft (15 m),  Avg: 2.1 from 28 votes
FA: Chris Miller-McLemore, Dan Godshall
Colorado > Canon City > Shelf Rd > Bank > 05. Thunder Tactics


Fortunately, any shifting plates are remnants of the past on this route. Start by clipping a line of bolts parallel to the left-trending dihedral. As the corner begins to thin out, a series of incuts and pockets lead you to the right and the crux bulge.


This route lies between the routes Solitude and What's Biting Me?, about 200 feet to the left of the Surreal Estate Wall.


5 bolts to a 2 bolt anchor with chains.

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The lower dihedral seen from the trail.
[Hide Photo] The lower dihedral seen from the trail.

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Glenn Schuler
Monument, Co.
[Hide Comment] Thanks putting up another good route, guys! I really liked this one, pretty continuous moves the whole way with some sweet, sinker pockets. Should clean up nicely with more traffic. Feb 19, 2014
Frank Stein
Picayune, MS
[Hide Comment] Not a great route, but not an awful route either. This is a good warmup for the harder stuff to the right. It is cleaning up and is worth doing. Feb 29, 2016
Carson Vandegriffe
Salt Lake City
[Hide Comment] Watch out near the top. Slipped off after the dihedral and took out two big branches off the tree below. Hopefully it's a safer fall now.... Jul 19, 2021