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Banister Villains

V2, Boulder, 12 ft (4 m),  Avg: 1 from 1 vote
FA: unknown
Colorado > Grand Junction… > Unaweep Canyon > Nine Mile Hill > Nine Mile Bould… > Pool of Plenty… > Candy Store Area > Dablab Boulder


Stand start with feet pasted high, a left hand crimp, and a right hand pocket. From there, move a big right hand up to a finger stack, bump the left up to a sidepull, then work up the slab using the large sidepull, make the left hand crimp below the lip, and top it out.


This ascends the blunt arete on the north face of Dablab Boulder. It climbs just to the right of Feed Dolly Her Molly.


A few pads, the landing is good but is slightly uneven.

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Banister Villains is in orange.
[Hide Photo] Banister Villains is in orange.