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Calm Horizons

5.12a, Sport, 80 ft (24 m),  Avg: 1.3 from 3 votes
FA: Bill Boyle
Utah > Central Utah > Maple Canyon > Middle Fork > Hot Zone


The crux is probably between the 3rd and 4th bolt, which has a pretty nasty fall if you blow it on the sandy and loose holds out right before making the 4th clip. After the 4th, the intensity backs down substantially. An OK route, if you know what you are getting into. The second bolt is a spinner and is exposed at least 1 inch. Somewhere around the 6th bolt, the bolt is placed such that the bolt biner is loaded over and edge and will likely break the biner if you whip on it (fortunately its pretty easy climbing above it).


The rightmost route in this area.


10 bolts, Chains.

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Glenn Ritter
Sugarhouse, UT
[Hide Comment] Its always nice to have another route to climb, especially on a sunny wall for cooler days. But this one is unfortunately (and unecessarily) poorly bolted and poorly cleaned. Several bolts were not properly installed, lots of loose rock. May 21, 2016