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Sport, 50 ft (15 m),
Avg: 3 from 71
FA: Blake Bowling, Steve Kauffman in 1998 Length: 50ft
> Red River Gorge
> Bald Rock Recre…
> Chocolate Factory
Access Issue: Private Property
In 2011, the Ventura Family (owner of Miguel’s Pizza) purchased the land above the cliff line, and the RRGCC’s 2017 purchase of the land beneath the cliff line and the surrounding areas ensures that the Motherlode, Chocolate Factory, and southeastern end of Sore Heel are climber-owned. The Ventura's have formed the Motherlode LLC to cover the liability of the land.
This short, attractive route offers good rock, and steep pockets with a crux near the top.
Good holds, and fun moves lead to a good rest at mid-height. Punch it through a bunch of slopey edges and pockets to better holds below the anchors.
Would be a classic if it was a bit longer.
Just left of an arete.
5 bolts to two bolt anchor
Prague, CZ
This route is short and fun. Be sure to arrive as fresh as possible for the powerful crux boulder problem. Sep 8, 2020