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Killer Queen
Sport, 60 ft (18 m),
Avg: 2.4 from 59
FA: MJM & RAMM, 6/2013
> Canon City
> Shelf Rd
> Gallery
> Mural Wall
Climb great, righty sidepulls for 2 clips to a strenuous reach to clip C3. At C3, traverse directly left with great hand holds and edges for the feet to clip the high C4. At C4, move right to the vertical corner on edges, pockets, and fun climbing to C6. At C7, move up or right to the gray face past C8 to the chained anchors.
Anyways, route requires various techniques which I thought was fun - some crack technique, stemming, and sidepulls. Plenty of bolts to protect it I thought. I'm a 10c/d sport climber and a 5.8-5.9 trad climber. I thought this was a 5.8 or 5.9 difficulty - I'll give it 5.9 since the original rating here seems to be 10a. Seeing as you're probably standing there to do the King, you might as well do this. May 24, 2015