Type: | Trad, 100 ft (30 m) |
FA: | B. Gillett, C. Hill, 2002 |
Page Views: | 1,582 total · 11/month |
Shared By: | Tony B on Jul 13, 2013 |
Admins: | Leo Paik, John McNamee, Frances Fierst, Monty, Monomaniac, Tyler KC |
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Access Issue: MM 23-29.5 - now ended daily CO 7 highway closure/delays
Per Kai Bouwman: the daily CO 7 highway closure/delay access issue is no longer a problem according to CDOT the construction finished as of Nov. 11, 2022.
From CDOT: Colorado Highway 7 is closed daily from MP 23-29.5. Motorists can only travel through the area between 6-8 am and 4-7 pm. During these timeframes, pilot cars will lead alternating one-way travel. Drivers should plan for delays, and this schedule will remain in place through Memorial Day 2022.
During the closure, motorists need to take US 36 to CO 7.
From CDOT: Colorado Highway 7 is closed daily from MP 23-29.5. Motorists can only travel through the area between 6-8 am and 4-7 pm. During these timeframes, pilot cars will lead alternating one-way travel. Drivers should plan for delays, and this schedule will remain in place through Memorial Day 2022.
During the closure, motorists need to take US 36 to CO 7.
This climb is actually much better than either the topo or first appearances would lead one to believe. One of the would-be detractors include that the climb does pass a few small plants, but these are not difficult to pass. The other is the the yawning slot up top, which could be skipped by traversing left up a 4th class ramp up top to the amchors on Frozen In Time, but it should not be. This 'slot' turns out not to be a slot at all. It has positive holds just inside on both sides and can be climbed as a layback flake or on fingerlocks. It accepts second-knuckle sized gear on one side or mixed-sized cams on the other. Once topped out of the flake, one can wander back and right onto the lower angled rock, or up and left through jagged cracks with good gear to the sumit (and rap as for Hollow Man).