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Unknown 5.6

5.6, Sport, TR, 20 ft (6 m),  Avg: 1.8 from 26 votes
FA: unknown
Oklahoma > Tulsa Area > Avery Drive > Lost City Area > Lost City
Warning Access Issue: Private Property! DetailsDrop down


This classic 5.6 is usually free soloed by the boulderers. Great line for someone's first top rope.


Just left of the walk up ramp.


2 bolts + anchors. In Feb 2019 the hardware was replaced with SS glue-ins thanks to the American Safe Climbing Association (

Photos [Hide ALL Photos]

Sara's first lead
[Hide Photo] Sara's first lead
Easy and fun route for the kids if you start right of the bolt line, you can dodge the wet streak.
[Hide Photo] Easy and fun route for the kids if you start right of the bolt line, you can dodge the wet streak.
Climb just right of the green slime to great jugs!
[Hide Photo] Climb just right of the green slime to great jugs!

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Nathan Weber
Tulsa, OK
[Hide Comment] Recommended changing this being listed as a Sport route. For sure it can be climbed without a rope, but it does have 2 glue-ins and anchors. Hung draws on it with my kids. Nov 17, 2019
Ryan Cameron
Tulsa, OK
[Hide Comment] Careful of huge Texas centipedes (venomous)! There were a couple that climbed into one of the big muddy holes near the bottom of this route. Seems like there's a nest of these critters in this area.

Besides that, it's a fun easy climb to warm up. This route is just left, caddy-corner to the Turtle Route Oct 4, 2021