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Ten years after 6c

5.11, Trad, Sport, 720 ft (218 m), 7 pitches, Grade II,  Avg: 4 from 2 votes
FA: M. Casella & L. Arn 1994
International > Europe > Switzerland > Nufenen Pass > Poncione di Ruino


Excellent granite on the peak Poncione di Ruino, which is the most obvious and attractive peak looking north east from the Capanna Pianesco.

Pitches go at 6a-6c, and cruxes easily aided on closely-spaced bolts.

Just a ton of fun.


The middle-right face of Ruino.


Well-bolted, still take some gear up with you.

Abseil the route. 2x50m works fine.

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Ruino from a distance.
[Hide Photo] Ruino from a distance.
Heading home.
[Hide Photo] Heading home.
Lunch time near the top.
[Hide Photo] Lunch time near the top.
Early pitch
[Hide Photo] Early pitch