Type: | Trad, TR, 75 ft (23 m) |
FA: | 70's? |
Page Views: | 1,250 total · 9/month |
Shared By: | Jac Frech on Mar 12, 2013 |
Admins: | Justin Johnsen, SCPC, SWPACC, EPAC |
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Access Issue: Paradise, Library, and Hawk Rock closed to climbing
During the recent public OHV study meetings linked below, The Earth Conservancy has made it clear that they do not allow rock climbing on their land. The Library, Paradise, and Hawk Rock all fall within Earth Conservancy Land, and are therefore closed to climbing. The Eastern Pennsylvania Alliance of climbers is currently working with the Access Fund, Earth Conservancy, and DCNR to reopen these areas to climbing. Please be respectful of this closure and utilize the other crags around Mocanaqua to avoid further jeopardizing our future access of these beloved crags.
Small holds to jugs about 10' up to left facing flake. Lie back to ledge and 1' wide dihedral about 10' up to pine tree. Move left and up to next ledge. 5.8 goes to left up steep blocky dihedral or 5.10+ straight up the middle. Also known as Whaleback Crack in Holzman's book and S.O.B. The start is a little harder since a flake broke off in 2011.