Type: Sport, 120 ft (36 m)
FA: Jim McConachie,Alan Nilsson,Brad Young,Robert Behrens, Josh Mucci
Page Views: 1,795 total · 12/month
Shared By: powderfinger on Feb 25, 2013
Admins: andy patterson, Aron Quiter, Bruce Hildenbrand, Mike Morley, Adam Stackhouse, Salamanizer Ski, Justin Johnsen, Vicki Schwantes

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Description Suggest change

Four mild bulges are each protected by a bolt. The climbing gets easier as you go. Past the 5th bolt the climbing turns to 5.0 for the last 50 ft to the top.

This route was established after the publishing of Brad Young's excellent 2007 guidebook. To check out more new routes at Pinnacle visit the Mud and Crud website. mudncrud.com/forums/index.p…

Location Suggest change

Located to the right of the center route on the first sister. Look for a new bolt about 15 feet up.

Protection Suggest change

5 bolts

