Find the two parallel cracks exiting the roof near the top of the cliff. A large tree grows out of the cove below the roof. The roof is visible from the road. The left side of the roof ends at a chimney. Low angle dihedral climb gains the cove below the roof. Using the left crack reach out of the cave to gain a horizontal that joins the two cracks. Using the cracks gain the top.
Walk around the back to descend. The start is below the roof and an obvious line leading up to the cove below the roof.
Small to medium cams for the roof section. You would need some BD C3's up to a BD C4 #2 size at most for the upper section.
[Hide Photo] View from the road looking up at the lowest Tier. The Rail-Grinders (green), Standard Gauge (red), Doctor Who (teal/aqua), Isaac Smith Arete (purple), John Browns Body (pink), Pocket Slab (blue)