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Into The Groove

5.13a, Trad, 350 ft (106 m), 3 pitches,  Avg: 2 from 1 vote
FA: D'Antonio, Aschert
Colorado > S Platte > Buffalo Creek > Little Scraggy Dome


This is a difficult outing with varied terrain and some pretty good stone.

P1 - 5.11+. Start with Miss Manners, and then angle right after the second bolt up the thin slab to a belay station.

P2 - 5.13a. Tackle the roof and then the "groove" above to a second belay station.

P3 - 5.12a. Move right, then climb up the line of bolts to the lower angled slab and the top.

P4 - 5.9.

Rappel the route if you have 2 ropes.


It is the next route right of Miss Manners on the right half of the wall.


Mostly bolts & gear to 3".

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[Hide Comment] Weird description on this one, we rated the first pitch 12a, second pitch 13a, third pitch 12a, and four pitch 5.9. Really good climbing and at the time one of the hardest face pitches in the SP. Funny some guy who wrote the SP guidebook somehow claims credit for a continuous ascent...hilarious. Jun 1, 2020