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V1-2, Boulder, 13 ft (4 m),  Avg: 2.6 from 5 votes
FA: unknown
California > High Desert > Apple Valley Area > Horsemen's Center > BMX Crags > BMX Area Bould… > Lone Star Boulder


Sit start with low hands in "CRACK", traverse right then pull up and place left foot in "CRACK" Then top out on knoby face. The Crux is getting from seated to toe-in manuever while passing low shelf.


South Face of Lone Star Boulder, left side of obvious low bowl feature



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Just over the fun moves on Uranus, a few simpler moves and done.
[Hide Photo] Just over the fun moves on Uranus, a few simpler moves and done.
The Lone Star at night.
[Hide Photo] The Lone Star at night.
Using the crack with the left foot, this is the end of crux sequence
[Hide Photo] Using the crack with the left foot, this is the end of crux sequence