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5.12c, Sport, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 3.5 from 2 votes
FA: Daniel Montague
Maryland > Harper's Ferry > Maryland Height… > Train Tunnel Wall
Warning Access Issue: Seasonal Raptor Closures; Road Closures. See… DetailsDrop down
Warning Access Issue: Train Property DetailsDrop down


Start up a left facing corner with some poles and spray-on cement until you reach a ledge where you can clip the first bolt. After the first bolt, begin climbing up a thin face (a seam is on your left). Just after the second bolt bolt, start a sequence of big moves that will take you towards the fourth bolt, shake out at the jug and continue climbing up the final section, clipping a (sometimes) fixed nut near the top. Anchors are in the mini-alcove at the top of the route. This route has it all!


climbing starts above spray-painted "OUTRAGE", you'll see the bolts heading up above it.


5 bolts, one fixed nut, and a 2 bolt anchor.

If you want to supplement it at all, bring a sling for one of the poles at the initial corner and a #00 cam for comfort just before the long reach to bolt 3 (purely a comfort piece; still safe without it).

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Climber on "Outrage"<br>
Taken by Indy
[Hide Photo] Climber on "Outrage" Taken by Indy
Dan Montague on Outrage
[Hide Photo] Dan Montague on Outrage
Kane Schutzman on Outrage
[Hide Photo] Kane Schutzman on Outrage
Super Steep!
[Hide Photo] Super Steep!
Daniel Montague climbing/falling from on the crux of Outrage

Photo Cred: Mark Kotche
[Hide Photo] Daniel Montague climbing/falling from on the crux of Outrage Photo Cred: Mark Kotche
Topo for Outrage
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