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Ego Tripper

5.7, Trad, 2 pitches,  Avg: 2.8 from 15 votes
FA: unknown
Wyoming > Lander Area > Sinks Canyon > Sandstone > Grade II Wall


This is the major corner system left of a big blank section of wall. Start about 50 feet left of the obvious right facing flake corner at the base. A short face climbing section with a bolt leads to an easy crack, which takes you to the ledge. Climb through the limestone band just right of two large bushes, and up a right-facing corner. Belay at a block covered ledge. Easier climbing up cracks and ledges leads to the summit


5th climb from the left on the wall


Trad climb, with bolted belays

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Lee Jenkins
Tucson, Arizona
[Hide Comment] Can be climbed in 3 pitches with bolted anchors/rings at each belay. The first 2 pitches are fun. The third starts with a 5.7 bulge/crack and ends loose and very easy. Jul 21, 2013
Lane Tomme
[Hide Comment] Was a very good climb. This is more of a three pitch climb. Bring a 70m rope for this climb because P1 to P2 is a long pitch. Make sure you also bring larger cams(3-5) for P2. P2 has a killer world-class fist crack to climb and once on P3 it's easy climbing. Sep 8, 2013
Lane Tomme
[Hide Comment] If wanting to climb in the spring time be aware of the climb to be very sandy and rock fall a factor. P2 is the classic money pitch for this multi-pitch. P3 starts off into a narrow walk up crack and then having to do a 5.9 mantle. (my opinion)

The view from the top is INCREDIBLE! Apr 20, 2014
[Hide Comment] Climb this route in 3 pitches with a 60m rope to have bolted anchors at each belay. Pitches 1 and 3 are short, while two is the $ pitch. Perfect jamming around hand size. Recently upgraded to 5.8 in the newest edition of the Lander guidebook - Not sure about that. Rap the route. Oct 3, 2016