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Reverse Traverse

5.11b, Sport,  Avg: 1.3 from 3 votes
FA: Kory K., probably
Utah > Wasatch Range > Southern Wasatch > American Fork C… > Membrane
Warning Access Issue: Located in a National Forest Fee Area DetailsDrop down


a must do... if you're bored


start on Mandela and traverse over to the 10a, caress of steel, anchors on the left.



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steve edwards
[Hide Comment] Which bolts, or are you just traversing the base and climbing COS? Aug 26, 2012
[Hide Comment] We started by traversing into the first bolts on Mandela (up to the roof) then staying below the roof, traverse over to License. After that, go over the left side of the roof through the easy climbing, then up to either the .10d anchors or the .10a. It was basically a big diagonal across the wall...but fun nonetheless. Aug 27, 2012