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Twinkie's Hatchet

5.10a, Trad, 60 ft (18 m),  Avg: 2.8 from 16 votes
FA: Dean Raynes & Nate Parrish
Utah > Wasatch Range > Central Wasatch > Big Cottonwood… > Brighton Area > Brighton's Frighton Wall


Climb the black chimney with the old piton, mantle out onto the first ledge, climb over the grass in the flake straight above, then climb the 10 foot splitter hand crack to the top.


Located to the right at the top of the Frighton Gully, the feature looks like a hatchet and has a perfect crack on the top left side. Feature is visible on the right of the Fret Aret Photo.


Standard rack with some micro nuts

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Finally getting to the handcrack!
[Hide Photo] Finally getting to the handcrack!
Through the dark chimney up to the left side of the hatchet
[Hide Photo] Through the dark chimney up to the left side of the hatchet

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[Hide Comment] Great hang in wildflowers. Pretty darn good climb. In shade @1:30 at the summer solstice. Micro nut backs up old pin at start. Jun 30, 2013
Charlie S
[Hide Comment] A lot of groveling to get the too-short-but-awesome handcrack above. Aug 3, 2013
Alec L
[Hide Comment] Physical! Jul 6, 2020