Type: Sport, 60 ft (18 m)
FA: unknown
Page Views: 1,293 total · 9/month
Shared By: Eric Coffman on Jul 19, 2012
Admins: Frances Fierst

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Description Suggest change

A high quality fun climb that has alot of variety. The route starts off vertical and progressively overhangs til the end. The route has two starts: the left is 10b the right is 11a (for my height 6 4" left start about 10b). Starts with good crimps to a bolt and a small ledge with another bolt. Then up a small roof to a girth hitched hueco here go slightly right up a wide crack with 2 bolts to the right of the crack. At the top of the wide crack go right and up past 3 girth hitched huecos to a 2 bolt anchor. Lots of cool moves that are all about the same grade!

Location Suggest change

The route is one of the first at the bottom of the main climbing area. It has a series of water pipes that run from a spring to a village. Belay area can be a bit wet. The climb is in the shade and the belay is in the shade

Protection Suggest change

10 draws and something for the anchor

