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Live and Let Live

5.12b, Sport, 90 ft (27 m),  Avg: 2.7 from 12 votes
FA: Brian McCray (1996)
W Virginia > New River Gorge… > New River Gorge… > Endless Wall > R) The Cirque
Warning Access Issue: NO DRONES ON NATIONAL PARKLANDS DetailsDrop down


Live and Let Live starts with broken chossy flakes, and a bit of vegetation, but goes out with a bang with the final 30 feet of impeccable orangish yellow stone.

Tread lightly as you travel through five bolts of monster jugs, most of which are securely connected to the cliff line. Get ready to change gears as you pass through a small roof. Negotiating the roof is powerful and a bit sequential, but is not considered to be the crux.

Another roof is encountered at the seventh bolt. Its mandatory to use two micro crimps to pass through this section. The remaining 15 feet of face climbing are continuously cruxy and require some advanced footwork. The hardest sequence can be done two different ways, utilizing the same holds. Edge, smear and 'West Virgina Scramble Step' your way to the anchor.

Nestled in a corner behind a waterfall, it is not uncommon for the bottom of the route to be covered with moisture. If you come across a climber showering in the waterfall, as is sometimes the case, it may be best to give them their privacy and find another route.


Far right end of the cirque, shares the same start as 'New Life.' There is a small tree growing out of the wall near the third bolt.


9 bolts + anchor

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Chris Fogarty
Washington D.C.
[Hide Comment] If you can forget the maybe-attached choss flakes abundant for the first half of the route, it’s great fun with an impeccable section of rock way up high. I would even go as far to say this might be my favorite 5.12 at the Cirque apart from Hourglass. Freedom Tree warmup taken? Don’t want heinous Sloth crimps? Finders Keepers sucks? Hop on this underrated pitch! Tread carefully and enjoy! Apr 27, 2024