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5.8, Sport, 20 ft (6 m),  Avg: 1.9 from 55 votes
FA: Johnny Arms and Megan Murphy
Alabama > Cherokee Rock V… > Islands


This is the first of the short slab routes that you come to when walking from West Side Rock and Holiday Block. It is a short sport route that leads up and to the left.


Eastern most set of bolts on the short slab wall. You start positioned between the wall and a tree.


Two sport bolts and two open shut anchors.

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The two bolt lines on the left are not currently listed on the project. The center bolt line does not have an anchor.
[Hide Photo] The two bolt lines on the left are not currently listed on the project. The center bolt line does not have an anchor.
Right facing crack that leads up and left is the route.  Open shuts are just out of view.
[Hide Photo] Right facing crack that leads up and left is the route. Open shuts are just out of view.

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Brian Murphey
Atlanta, GA
[Hide Comment] Bolts and top anchors replaced with glue-ins, mussy hooks. SCC. 01/07/23 Jan 22, 2023