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Greeno's Oil Can

5.10c, Sport, 40 ft (12 m),  Avg: 3.2 from 9 votes
FA: unknown
Montana > Southwest Region > Revenue Flats > Nuggets


Climb up the challenging face using smalls nubbins and rails for holds. Has a couple of hero jugs that make it feel very doable. One of the best on this wall IMO.


Down the small alleyway between two large boulders this climb is on the right side of a large open book capped by a small roof. Begins above a very annoying tree.


5 Bolts to cold shunts.

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Ben Mackall
Bozeman, MT
[Hide Comment] Wasn't so hot on this. Some fun moves and definitely sustained down low but the bolt placement leaves a lot to be desired, and there's some awkward movement about halfway up.

Still good fun though! May 13, 2014
[Hide Comment] "Climb crimpy crystals to a no-holds rest and a pumpy finish on slab. Originally done on-site solo, now it has five very welcome bolts and an anchor. 'Greeno' also soloed a slightly easier line to the right that now has an anchor for top roping. Both lines, as well as his solo of everything else on this on this crag on that day [in the late 90's], were fueled by a Foster's 'Oil Can." -from "Rock Climbs of Southwest Montana"

Greeno has still been sited roaming around the rocks and woods of SW Montana. And he still likes an oil can. Sep 25, 2018
Jack Childress
Las Vegas, NV
[Hide Comment] FA, free solo, Marc Pelletier (The Greeno), after drinking a Foster's beer (Oil Can), 2nd ascent, free solo, after drinking a Foster's Jack Childress, the same day; years later bolted by Pete Tapley. Feb 17, 2023