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Greeno's Oil Can
Sport, 40 ft (12 m),
Avg: 3.2 from 9
FA: unknown
> Southwest Region
> Revenue Flats
> Nuggets
Climb up the challenging face using smalls nubbins and rails for holds. Has a couple of hero jugs that make it feel very doable. One of the best on this wall IMO.
Down the small alleyway between two large boulders this climb is on the right side of a large open book capped by a small roof. Begins above a very annoying tree.
5 Bolts to cold shunts.
Bozeman, MT
Still good fun though! May 13, 2014
Greeno has still been sited roaming around the rocks and woods of SW Montana. And he still likes an oil can. Sep 25, 2018
Las Vegas, NV