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Layback and Relax
Trad, 50 ft (15 m),
Avg: 2 from 1
FA: Mitchell Allen, Evan Anderson
> Northeast Utah
> Vernal Area
> Rdside Formation (Red…
Layback and mantle through an odd 5.8 start (the only move on the route above 5.5-5.6) to gain lower angled terrain. Follow the thin crack/flake for 10 ft to a straight-in hand crack angling up and left. Follow this 5.5 crack up through the slot to belay. Walk off to the south towards Brush Creek.
This route is the obvious low-angle ramp with a crack in it as seen from the road.
Bottom belay stance is on steep and soft clay, protect belayer with #3-4 camalots. Upper belay takes #1-3.5 camalots or larger nuts/hexes. For route: a few smaller nuts and a few handsize or smaller cams.
[Hide Photo] Vernal Free-solo circuit. Layback and Relax.
[Hide Photo] View from the top. Hwy 191 in the upper right-hand corner.
[Hide Photo] Layback start. The only 5.8 move is laying back and getting your feet up high onto the rock.
[Hide Photo] Belay Crack on the top.
Little Rock, Arkansas
I had a few friends that also started way right on the slabby stuff. I think it knocks this down to about a 5.5 all the way around. The mantle I described was basically laying back on the bottom crack, getting high feet on the wall underneath the crack, and then working up that lieback until you can get a right foot out on top of the slab and reach higher into the thin crack. Hope this helps!
Mitch Oct 9, 2014