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Hueco Dreams

V8, Boulder, 18 ft (5 m),  Avg: 3.4 from 40 votes
FA: Ward Smith
Rhode Island > Lincoln Woods > Pond Cave Area > Pond Cave


start on lower left jug rail (feet for gravity hits)
up the quartz line into who needs hueco to finish. end on lip service nice addition makes for a better finish


all the way left in cave on big ledge for gravity hits



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Chris Johnson a few moves into Hueco Dreams
[Hide Photo] Chris Johnson a few moves into Hueco Dreams

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warwick ri
[Hide Comment] very cool climb adds about four moves to who needs hueco the only thing is the start feet i think might be in water when the caves water level is high usually early spring no good. i did this problem today and there was no water at all so i think the best time to work it is LATE FALL TO END OF WINTER . very fun climb. Dec 26, 2011
ryan cosman
[Hide Comment] Was physc'd to hear about a possible addition at pond cave, went there yesterday and sent, beautiful addition to an already awesome problem and flows into who needs heuco perfectly, a serious must do for anyone and even better than the orginal. i agree with the rating at v9 great find matt Jan 8, 2012
Karthik Sonty
[Hide Comment] Should probably be called 'Who needs who needs hueco?'. Full value! So much better! Sep 24, 2013
Derek Jf
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Climb starts at 0:30 mark

"Chris Johnson on the low start to a Woods' classic -"

PS - apologies on the portrait mode of the footage, but, -enjoy Aug 29, 2014