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Northwest Arete

V0, Boulder, 15 ft (5 m),  Avg: 2.5 from 6 votes
FA: unknown
Massachusetts > N Shore > Cape Ann > Monoliths > Monoliths Bould… > Little Monolith


Climb Little Agassiz Rock's arete closest to Big Agassiz Rock, if you don't know which direction is northwest. This is a classic, moderate problem. The crux is leaving the ground.


Climb the northwest arete. Downclimb the back. For orientation, there's a big quarry/industrial park to the east that you can see from the top of this hill.


Pad and spotter. There is a single glue-in bolt for toperope anchors, probably unnecessary for most boulderers.

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Northwest arete of Little Agassiz Boulder.
[Hide Photo] Northwest arete of Little Agassiz Boulder.